Monday, July 25, 2016

On My Mind: Water at Restaurants

Hello, Friends. Today's topic is an odd one.

You know how when you go to nice restaurants, when you get water, they refill your cup whenever they come by? I really, really, dislike that. I wish they would ask if you wanted more water. It bothers me. I don't know exactly why, but here are some of the contributing factors.

1) It makes me feel like I didn't drink any water.
I already don't drink a lot of water, so when I do, it feels nice to think: I drank one glass of water. But if they keep refilling my cup, I can't tell how much water I drank.

2) It wastes water.
If someone keeps refilling your cup, when you leave, there is an almost-full cup of water left behind that they have to dump out because it's contaminated with your germs. It saves money and is better for the environment to not waste water, so why do we?

3) Also, this only kind of relates to the topic, but it's so cold.
Whenever I have water that's too cold, it makes my teeth hurt, and I don't want to drink the rest of the water. It would be nice if they gave the option of ice water or tap water at restaurants.

Ah well. I guess I've had to live with it so far, and I will continue to have to live with it.

On a side note, a I recently discovered that someone I know is at the opposite end of the spectrum; she judges how good a restaurant is by them constantly refilling your cup. :)

Are there any random things that bother you?

Spruce Nogard


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