Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Writing: Creative Complex: A Riddling Tale

Hello, Angels.

Sorry--reference to a book. (I'm not telling you which book on purpose. Hee hee. :))

Last week, we started a series of Creative Complexes called the "Family Tree." However, I decided to do this series differently. Instead of having a post in the series every week until it is done, whenever we have a post that falls under the "Family Tree" category, we will add it to that series.

Today, we are solving a riddle. The riddle, actually, comes from a very excellent source. It comes from Grimm's Fairy Tales. It goes like this:

"Three women were transformed into flowers which stood in a field. However, one of them was allowed to be in her own house at night. One time when day was approaching, and she would have to go back to her companions in the field and become a flower again, she said to her husband, "If you will come this morning and pick me, I shall be set free and stay with you from then on."
And that is what happened.
Now the question is, how did her husband recognize her, for the flowers were exactly alike, and without any difference?"

The Creative Complex for today is:
1) Solve the riddle.
2) Make up a story/context for the riddle.

 -The women were transformed into flowers because . . .
-She became free for one night because. . .
-And etcetera!

I know the answer, because I was too impatient to figure it out on my own. If you are like that, I challenge you to be creative, and more patient than I was. :)

Let your imagination run away with you, at least, a little bit!

Post in the comments!

Spruce Nogard


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