Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Book Reviews: The Princess Bride

Good Day, Friends!

Okay, so I'm assuming you have seen The Princess Bride and know what I'm talking about. If not, shame on you. Go watch it right now. In any case, for Christmas, I got the 30th Anniversary Edition of the book The Princess Bride was based on. (The book is also called The Princess Bride.) I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.

I gave this book 4.5 stars. I like the movie better, but there were definitely nice things about reading the book.

  • We got to read Inigo's and Fezzick's backstories! It was so fun to see where they were coming from and what made them who they are.
  • Buttercup is sensible and practical! (Well, a little.) "Oh, the boys!. . . I do not care about 'the boys.' Horse loves me and that is quite sufficient, thank you."
  • Humperdinck's Zoo of Death
    • This adds another trial/layer to the story, and it adds a good amount of depth to Humperdinck's character. However, it is cruelty to animals, so if you're sensitive to that, beware. (I do not like that part.)

  • The characters didn't have much more depth than they did in the movie. This doesn't seem like an issue, but usually, even though we don't realize it, book characters have more depth than movie characters, because we can't read movie characters' thoughts like we can in books, and movie characters have much less time to develop a well-rounded, not flat character. Therefore, the amount of depth a movie character has in order to seem realistic is much less than the amount of depth a book character has to have. So, it was kind of disappointing when the book characters in The Princess Bride were not more well-rounded and did not have more depth than the movie characters.
  • Fezzick was portrayed as quite dumb and childish, which I didn't like.

Another note: The author has some. . . interesting commentary. You'll have to read it and research it yourself to get what I mean.

That's all for today!

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