Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Creative Complex: Five Senses

Hello, Friends!

Today, remember to use all five senses in your writing.

1) Sight

It's easiest to describe things using sight. Here's an example: The blue sweatshirt brushed against the girl's brown hair.

2) Smell

Example: The smell of freshly baked cookies wafted into the room.

3) Hearing

Example: The sound of rustling filled the air as the bats flurried into flight.

4) Taste

Example: The cake tasted too sweet, like over-ripened berries.

5) Touch

Example: The kitten curled up on his chest, its purr sending warm vibrations through his body.

The more aspects of touch you use, the better. Pressure, pain, movement, and aching are some of them.

Now, write a description of something, a person or a setting, and use all five senses. Good luck!

Spruce Nogard


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