Friday, August 4, 2017

On My Mind: The Hidden Meaning Answers

So, did anyone figure out yesterday's codes? (Without cheating?)

Well, here are the answers:

1) Pig Latin
You can look up pig Latin to find out how it works.

When the dark comes rising,
Six shall turn it back.
Three from the circle,
Three from the track. 

2) Letters--Z = 1, Y = 2, etc.

Wood, bronze, iron,
Water, fire, stone.
Five shall return,
And one go alone.

3) Backwards--Unfortunately, I couldn't make all the letters backwards as well, but oh well. Just write out each line, but start at the last letter in the line and go right to left.

Iron for the birthday,
Bronze carried long.
Wood from the burning,
Stone out of song.

4) Before dash: actual letters, after dash, a = z, b = y, etc.This one I did try to trip you up. So, to figure out what Fi-iv means, before the dash are just the normal letters, but after the dash you follow the code, with a = z, b = y, etc.

Fire from the candle-ring, 
Water from the thaw.
Six signs the circle,
And the Grail gone before.

5) This one seems complicated at first, but it's really quite simple. All the letters of the alphabet correspond to an animal that starts with that letter. So, a = aardvark, b = bat, etc. All you really need to do is rewrite the text with only the first letter of every animal.
Fire from the mountain,
Shall find the harp of gold.
Played to wake the Sleepers,
Oldest of the Old.

6) This is just a word scramble, but with a rule: The first and last letter of the original word stay the same. So, "letter," once scrambled, would still have to start with "l" and end with "r."
Power from the Greenwitch,
Lost beneath the sea.
All shall find the Light at last,
Silver on the tree.

Hurrah! You have discovered the hidden meaning! And doesn't this remind you of something? It should. . . It's the poem from The Dark is Rising series, by Susan Cooper!
Spruce Nogard

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